All functions |
Calculate the autocorrelation of an ARMA(p,q) filter applied to a stationary process. |
Cochran's multivariate Q-test for heterogeneity. |
Continuous-spectrum approximation to the Rouse-GLE model. |
Base class for CSI models. |
Calculate the residuals of a CSI process. |
Simulate increments of a CSI process. |
Downsample a multi-dimensional time series. |
Predefined drift functions for |
Calculate the autocorrelation of the fARMA model. |
Fit the fARMA(p,q) model. |
Constructor for farma model object. |
Calculate the autocorrelation of the fBM model. |
Fit the fBM model. |
Class definition for the fBM model. |
Calculate the mean square displacement of the fBM model. |
Calculate the autocorrelation of the fSD model. |
Fit the fSD model. |
Class definition for the fSD model. |
Calculate the mean square displacement of the fSD model. |
Simulated HBE dataset. |
Generalized logistic and inverse-logistic transformations. |
Calculate the least-squares estimate of |
Calculate the autocorrelation of an |
Sample estimate of mean squared displacement. |
Calculate effective subdiffusion time window and parameters from an arbitrary mean square displacement curve. |
P-value calculation for various normality tests. |
Autocorrelation of the Prony-GLE increment process. |
Coefficients of position-process representation of the Prony-GLE. |
MSD of the Prony-GLE model. |
ACF of the Rouse-GLE model. |
MSD of the Rouse-GLE model. |
Subdiffusive timescale of Rouse-GLE model. |
Inference for Subdiffusive Particle Tracking. |
Unconstraining transformation for variance matrices. |