D Bookdown Tests

A few tests to make sure bookdown is rendering things correctly.

D.1 Test Math Macros

\(\var(\xx)\), \(\alpha_\xx\), \(\xx \ind \N(0, \sigma_{\tx{pool}})\).

D.2 Test Figure

plot(1:25, pch = 1:25)
Test figure.

Figure D.1: Test figure.

The reference to Figure D.1 is implemented correctly.

D.4 Test Checklist

Can users modify our checklists? Apparently not.

  • Item 1.

  • Item 2.

D.5 Test References

The reference to Agresti (2015) works as expected.


Agresti, Alan. 2015. Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.