Construct an xDensity representation of a known distribution.

matrixXD(XY, mean, sd)



2-column matrix representation of a univariate density. The first column is a grid of x values giving the centers of bins. The second column are the corresponding densities.

mean, sd

Optional mean and standard deviation of the Normal distribution to use outside the grid values in XY. Defaults to grid-based approximation using XY.


An xDensity object. See xDensity.


# xDensity approximation to a noncentral-t distribution # true parameters lambda <- rnorm(1) # noncentrality parameter nu <- runif(1, 4, 6) # degrees of freedom # xDensity encoding of known PDF xlim <- qt(c(.005, .995), df = nu, ncp = lambda) # discretization range xseq <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], len = 200) # where to evaluate density xDens <- matrixXD(cbind(xseq, dt(xseq, df = nu, ncp = lambda))) # true vs approximate PDFs curve(dt(x, df = nu, ncp = lambda), from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2], ylab = "Density")
curve(dXD(x, xDens = xDens), add = TRUE, col = "red")
legend("topleft", legend = c("True PDF", "xDensity Approx."), fill = c("black", "red"))