Provides sample C++ code for several SDE models.

  model = c("hest", "pgnet", "lotvol", "biou", "eou"),
  file.only = FALSE



Character string giving the name of a sample model. Possible values are: hest, pgnet, lotvol, biou, eou. See Details.


If TRUE returns only the path to the header file containing the sdeModel object implementation.


An sde.model object, or the path to the C++ model header file.


All pre-compiled models are with the default prior and with OpenMP disabled. A full description of the example models can be found in the package vignette; to view it run vignette("msde-exmodels").

See also

sde.make.model() for sde.model objects, mvn.hyper.check() for specification of the default prior.


# Heston's model hmod <- sde.examples("hest") # load pre-compiled model # inspect model's C++ code hfile <- sde.examples("hest", file.only = TRUE) cat(readLines(hfile), sep = "\n")
#> /// @file hestModel.h #> #> #ifndef hestModel_h #> #define hestModel_h 1 #> #> /// SDE model class for Heston's stochastic volatility model. #> /// #> /// The model is given by #> /// ``` #> /// dXt = (alpha - .125 * Zt^2)dt + .5 * Zt dB_Xt #> /// dZt = (beta/Zt - .5*gamma * Zt)dt + sigma * dB_Zt #> /// cor(B_Xt, B_Zt) = rho #> /// ``` #> /// #> /// The data vector is `x = (X, Z)` and the parameter vector is `theta = (alpha, gamma, beta, sigma, rho)`. #> class sdeModel { #> public: #> static const int nParams = 5; ///< Number of model parameters. #> static const int nDims = 2; ///< Number of SDE dimensions. #> static const bool sdDiff = true; ///< Diffusion is on the standard deviation scale. #> static const bool diagDiff = false; ///< Diffusion is not diagonal. #> /// SDE drift function. #> void sdeDr(double *dr, double *x, double *theta); #> /// SDE diffusion function. #> void sdeDf(double *df, double *x, double *theta); #> /// SDE data validator. #> bool isValidData(double *x, double *theta); #> /// SDE parameter validator. #> bool isValidParams(double *theta); #> }; #> #> /// @param[out] dr Array into which to store the calculated drift. #> /// @param[in] x Array of SDE components at a given time point. #> /// @param[in] theta Array of SDE parameters. #> inline void sdeModel::sdeDr(double *dr, double *x, double *theta) { #> dr[0] = (theta[0] - .125 * x[1]*x[1]); // x #> dr[1] = (theta[2]/x[1] - .5 * theta[1]*x[1]); // z #> return; #> } #> #> /// @param[out] df Array into which to store the calculated diffusion matrix. #> /// @param[in] x Array of SDE components at a given time point. #> /// @param[in] theta Array of SDE parameters. #> inline void sdeModel::sdeDf(double *df, double *x, double *theta) { #> df[0] = .5 * x[1]; #> df[2] = theta[3]; #> df[3] = sqrt(1.0-theta[4]*theta[4]) * df[2]; #> df[2] *= theta[4]; #> return; #> } #> #> /// @param[in] x Array of SDE components at a given time point. #> /// @param[in] theta Array of SDE parameters. #> /// #> /// @return Whether or not the SDE data `x` is valid. In this case we must have `Zt > 0`. #> inline bool sdeModel::isValidData(double *x, double *theta) { #> return(x[1] > 0.0); #> } #> #> /// @param[in] theta Array of SDE parameters. #> /// #> /// @return Whether or not the SDE parameters `theta` are valid. In this case we must have `gamma, sigma > 0`, `beta > sigma^2/2`, and `|rho| < 1`. #> inline bool sdeModel::isValidParams(double *theta) { #> bool isValid; #> isValid = (theta[1] > 0) && (theta[3] > 0); #> isValid = isValid && (-1.0 < theta[4]) && (1.0 > theta[4]); #> isValid = isValid && (theta[2] > 0.5 * theta[3] * theta[3]); #> return(isValid); #> } #> #> #endif
if (FALSE) { # compile it from scratch param.names <- c("alpha", "gamma", "beta", "sigma", "rho") data.names <- c("X", "Z") hmod <- sde.make.model(ModelFile = hfile, param.names = param.names, data.names = data.names) }