Wraps a call to TMB::MakeADFun().

CondiCopLocFun(u1, u2, family, x, x0, wgt, degree = 1, eta, nu)



Vector of first uniform response.


Vector of second uniform response.


An integer defining the bivariate copula family to use. See ConvertPar().


Vector of observed covariate values.


Scalar covariate value at which to evaluate the local likelihood. Does not have to be a subset of x.


Vector of positive kernel weights.


Integer specifying the polynomial order of the local likelihood function. Currently only 0 and 1 are supported.


Value of the copula dependence parameter. Scalar or vector of length two, depending on whether degree is 0 or 1.


Value of the other copula parameter. Scalar or vector of same length as u1. Ignored if family != 2.


A list as returned by a call to TMB::MakeADFun(). In particular, this contains elements fun and gr for the negative local likelihood and its gradient with respect to eta.


# the following example shows how to create
# an unconditional copula likelihood function

# simulate data
n <- 1000 # sample size
family <- 2 # Student-t copula
rho <- runif(1, -1, 1) # unconditional dependence parameter
nu <- runif(1, 4, 20)# degrees of freedom parameter
udata <- VineCopula::BiCopSim(n, family = family, par = rho, par2 = nu)

# create likelihood function

# parameter conversion: equivalent to BiCopPar2Eta(family = 2, ...)
rho2eta <- function(rho) .5 * log((1+rho)/(1-rho))
nll_obj <- CondiCopLocFun(u1 = udata[,1], u2 = udata[,2], family = family,
                          x = rep(0, n), x0 = 0, # centered covariate x - x0 == 0
                          wgt = rep(1, n), # unweighted
                          degree = 0, # zero-order fit
                          eta = c(rho2eta(rho), 0),
                          nu = nu)

# likelihood function: recall that TMB requires a _negative_ ll
stucop_lik <- function(rho) {
  -nll_obj$fn(c(rho2eta(rho), 0))

# compare to VineCopula.
rhovec <- runif(50, -1, 1)
  ll1 <- sapply(rhovec, stucop_lik) # LocalCop
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.004   0.000   0.004 
  ll2 <- sapply(rhovec, function(rho) {
    # VineCopula
    sum(log(VineCopula::BiCopPDF(u1 = udata[,1], u2 = udata[,2],
                                 family = family,
                                 par = rho, par2 = nu)))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.106   0.000   0.106 

# difference between the two
range(ll1 - ll2)
#> [1] -1.055014e-10  1.224123e-10